Saturday, April 30, 2011

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful
mothers in our ward. Please know that
we love and appreciate all that you do!

Visiting Teaching Message

Dear Sisters,

During the month of May please share one of the conference talks that inspired you with the sisters you visit teach.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Aug RS Newsletter

Silver Lakes Ward Relief Society Newsletter
August 2010

Presidency Message

Dear Sisters,
I recently spent some time with my family, and upon leaving Oregon to return home began thinking about the importance of family and friends. We are so blessed to have loved one's that care about us as well as dear friends who go out of their way to help and support us through our hard times and our personal struggles.
In the July Ensign I came across a message given by President Henry B. Eyring that spoke to my heart strings. In this message he talked about how Christ see's us as his friend. One of the greatest tributes that the savior can give to us is to call us "Friends". I found this statement to be so profound because like many I think of Jesus as my brother, my advisor, the person I wish to be most like. To think of him like I would think of one of my girl - friends, or guy friends just seems wrong, but having said that I have come to understand that the Savior is the one person above all that we should call our Friend.
In D&C 84:77 it states, "And again I say unto you, my friends, for from henceforth I shall call you friends, it is expedient that I give unto you this commandment, that ye become even as my friends in days when I was with them, traveling to preach the gospel in my power."
We become His friends as we serve others for Him. He is the perfect example of the kind of friend we are to become. The savior showed unconditional love to those he served and so should we. We should make the effort to befriend another regardless of our differences. We just might find that we need that Sister as much as she needs us.
The Perfect friend, Jesus Christ, is completely selfless in offering happiness to others. In the next few days or weeks you will have many opportunities to be a friend for Him. It may be as you walk down a dusty trail. It may be as you sit down in a park. It may be as you talk on the phone to a family member or it may be as you look for a place to sit in a church congregation. I pray that we will have the courage to be a friend to others, to be the type of friend that the savior would want us to be.
Sister Dawn Wisner

Enrichment Activities

August 13th ‘Blood Club’ ~ come donate blood with us! Meet at the church at 5:45 or Life Stream at 6:30 p.m. Free sandwiches to those who donate blood.
August 19th, 7pm, RS room at the church "Putting Life in Your Life Story". Joan will motivate you to write your life story (or part of your life story)....and tell you the what, why and how. It will be entertaining and fun.
Check out the items on display outside RS room.
Signups available the first few weeks of the month.

Visiting Teaching Message

No work is more of a protection to this church than temple work and the genealogical research that supports it. No work is more spiritually refining. No work we do gives us more power. No work requires a higher standard of righteousness. Our labors in the temple cover us with a shield and a protection, both individually and as a people. So come to the temple—come and claim your blessings. It is a sacred work.

President Boyd K. Packer Ensign February 1995
For those sisters who enjoy handouts, the has great handouts for each months visiting teaching message.

Lesson Schedule

8/1 Presidency Message
8/8 Lesson #15
8/22 Lesson #16
8/29 Ward Bishopric Message

A very happy birthday this month to…..
1 Dawn Wisner
1 Maralena Smith
3 Yvonne Torres
7 Patricia Lundeen
8 Shone Berry
10 Annel Gonzalez
11 Jeanne Bradley
11 Tami Caballero
12 Marie Gramada
16 Jennifer Smith
16 Amy Lopez
18 Marilyn Briggs
18 Sandra Daws
18 Sandy Hogge
19 Candy Bridenbaugh
24 Linda Jumonville
25 Teri Snedegar
25 Pamela Legault
26 Judy Gardella
28 Rita Alvarez
28 Donna Stewart
29 Jessica Oban
30 Kathryn Sanchez
30 Nicole Perry
30 Amy Price

August Calendar of Events

19 7:00 at the church, Relief Society Enrichment Activity, “Putting Life in Your Life Story”
21 Youth temple baptisms
25 Temple sealing’s
Tues, Wed, Thurs 7:00-7:30, Hook Park walking


Redlands Temple: 909-389-7369

Temple Clothing:
• LA Temple - 10741 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles
• Upland Store - 1027 W. Foothill Boulevard, Upland, CA 91786 – 909-949-4233
• Also online at (must have membership number and confirmation date)

Please turn in any Relief Society newsletter contributions to Rebecca Eckstrom by the 15th of the month. Her email address is

Emergency Prep Info

EARTHQUAKE QUIZ…see how EQ savvy you are.

Do you know we have a Honeyville Farms in our area for food storage and emergency prep supplies? Get on their mailing lists for specials. This month’s special is 6 Grain Mix. You can make back to school GRANOLA with it as well. Enjoy it with yogurt & fruit.
Honeyville Farms – Rancho Cucamonga, California
9175 Milliken Ave – (909) 243-1050
Mon – Fri 9-6 Sat 9-5

Keep storing your water and rotate. Store one gallon per person per day.

Discuss your Family Emergency Plan at your next
Family Home Evening. Discuss the needs of each member of your family, duties and emergency contacts numbers. Write it down and post on your frig.

Local Events and Activities
Redlands Bowl – between Eureka and Grant Streets
Have concerts and theater under the stars. It’s great fun and wonderful entertainment. Enjoy the 6p.m. session of the temple on Fridays and the bowl afterwards. Fun date! Check out the schedule at

Have you checked out the local Route 66 Museum in Victorville. Tell your children about the early highways.

Victor Valley College has a Performing Arts Center and a Planetarium for those star enthusiasts.

And the historic California Theater on 4th street in San Bernardino has some great acts coming soon as well.

Each month there is much to do in the garden for those that like getting out under God’s heaven. Garden tip for
August: Apply water in the cool of the morning or evening when the wind is calm, the sun is less hot, and water loss through evaporation is minimal. Balancing plants' water needs is like having a healthful diet. Adjust your watering needs for the summertime heat.
Jeanne Bradley will be bringing a monthly garden tip.

Sister Spotlight

Marsi Kearny comes to us from the Granit Hills Ward in Apple Valley. She is a music teacher at Riverside Prep with three sons, Bryant 11, Ethan 10 and Truman 7. Marsi loves pepper jack cheese salad. She plays the flute and piano and served a mission in Venezeula. Marsi lives in Silver Lakes and is enjoying it there. Say hello to Marsi at church. You will know her by her big smile.

Family History

The end of summer, when the kids go back to school, is a great time to get going again on your Family History!
Contact Joan Hulihan for assistance.


Candace Shumway just had her baby girl Cameron, 6 lbs 3oz, and 19 inches long. She came a month early. Welcome Cameron! Keep Candace in your prayers for she has a bit on pneumonia. We love you Candace. She will need our assistance when she gets home.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

August Happenings

Thursday August 6th 6:30 p.m. Scrapbook Club at Sister Coleen Gibsons house.

Wednesday August 12th 6:30 p.m. Cooking Club at Sister Michelle Childs house. She will be showing us how to make Lemon Chaffon cake.

Thursday August 2oth at 6:30 p.m. Laurel Morphis' house. Come learn how to make hair bows. Clippies will be provided. Bring your own ribbon, scissors, needle, thread, and ruler.

Thursday August 27th at 6:30 p.m. Emergency Preparedness. More info to come.

Exercise Class held every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Starts at 8:30 a.m. Location church.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Friendly Reminder and Thanks!

Just wanted to remind you all that the Stake Humanitarian Day is this Saturday June 6th from 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Amethyst building. Please bring scissors and sewing materials to help make blankets there. They will also be assembling the newborn kits and having the blood drive in the Primary room. Remember even if you didn't sign up to give blood you can still come that day and give, also bring your husbands along.

A huge thanks to everyone that has helped in any kind of way with this. We have had made our goal on the things we needed to collect and even collected more than our goal with some of the items. Now if we can just finish off strong by having all the help that you can give on the 6th would be greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Park Day

Kileen Nelson has put together a park day. It will be held Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. at the Hartford Park in Silver Lakes. Everyone is invited to come even if you don't have little ones come out and enjoy the beautiful outdoors and get to know your sisters.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Chrissy Heiner had a baby girl on Wednesday April 15th, weighing 9 pounds. Last I heard everyone was doing well.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Lunch Bunch Re-do!

Sister Shutter and Sister Munoz will be hosting another lunch bunch at their house. It will be held on Tuesday April 28th at 12:00. Please come and enjoy the delicious food and getting to know your sisters.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Lunch Bunch!

Angie Shutter and Sara Munoz will be hosting it at there home on Tues, April 7th at 11:30 am. They will be making Enchiladas Swisas and providing a drink called Guanabana. They are looking for some people to bring Mexican rice, beans, and dessert. If you are interested you can contact Angie and Sara. 

Monday, March 30, 2009

April Activites!

Family Home Evening Ideas, will be held at Terri Snedegar's house at 7:00. This will be a discussion so please come with your ideas and FHE ideas that have worked for your family. This is for all stages of life singles, young families, teenage children, empty nesters, etc. 

Cooking Class: April 22nd at 6:30 held at Kathryn Sanchez's house. We will be learning how to make french bread and wheat bread. 

Emergency Preparedness Night will be held at the church on April 30th at 6:30. Sister Hulihan will be teaching us about water storage. 

Mark your calendars for May 21st Silver Lakes Relief Society Service Auction. More information to come.  

April Visiting Teaching Message

Happy April! What a fantastic time of year as the blooms begin and the warmth of the sun helps us enjoy the outdoors more frequently. It's a great time to do "spring cleaning", getting rid of the old and in with the new. Why not refreshen our committments to the Lord as well? "Search the Scriptures Diligently" is our visiting teaching message this month.
Why search the scriptures? President Spencer W. Kimball said in 1979, "As you become more and more familiar with the truths of the scriptures, you will be more and more effective in keeping the second great commandment, to love your neighbor as yourself. Become scholars of the scriptures - not to put others down, but to lift them up! After all, who has any greater need to 'treasure up' the truths of the gospel (on which they may call in their moments of need) than do the women and mothers who do so much nurturing and teaching?"
How can I treasure the scriptures? In the November 1997 Ensign, Elder Thomas S. Monson said, "The holy scriptures adorn our bookshelves. Make certain they provide nourishment to our minds and guidance for our lives."
With love, Sister Ray

Friday, March 20, 2009

Relief Society Birthday Party Tables!

April May

September August

November December


June March

We had a great time at the Relief Society birthday dinner. I decided to post pictures so that those who couldn't make it can see what they missed and also for those who were there to relive memories. Here are pictures of some of the cute centerpieces that were put together. I am hoping I will get more pictures emailed to me so I can post those also.

Monday, March 9, 2009

March Happenings!

Hello sisters!Just a quick note to let you know of the upcoming activites this month....
Exercise Club is held at the church every MWF at 8:00 am. I hear they have lots of fun and its a GREAT workout! If you have any questions, contact Yvonne Torres.

Scrapbook Club will hold its first gathering on at Shelly Ray's house. Wed, March 11th from 6-9 pm. Bring some photos and "stuff" to scrapbook and Shelly will provide some munchies! If you have any questions, contact Shelly. And if you want to be the one to host next, or if you have any great ideas regarding this club, let me know!!!!

Book Club will be meeting at Carol Palmer's home on Wed, March 18th at 7:00 pm. They are reading "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis. Contact Carol with your questions.

The Relief Society Birthday Celebration will be happening this month on Thurs, the 19th at 6:30 pm at the church. Dinner and childcare will be provided. AND all those 18 and older are invited!!!! That includes all the men too!! So bring your hubbies for a "date night". If you have any questions, contact Maria Miles.

Preparedness Night will be held the last Thursday, March 26th at 6:30 pm at the church. Joan will be discussing gardening tricks and techniques so that we can learn to plant and grow our own garden! If you know anything about gardening and would like to assist, please contact Joan Hulihan.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Times and Seasons

We will be celebrating the birthday of Relief Society on Thursday March 19th, at 6:30. Everyone 18 years and older invited, that is including men. There will be child care provided. Thank you to all those that have signed up to help with the tables or food. If you would like to help contact a member of the presidency. Please invite your sisters that you visit teach and neighbors. Hope to see you all there!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

March Visiting Teaching Message

Dear Sisters,As Spring approaches, let us nurture our visiting teaching buds to grow full bloom! The message for March is "Uphold, Nourish, and Protect the Family." One of the quotes this month is from President Spencer W. Kimball. He says "Home is a haven against the storms and struggles of life. Spirituality is born and nurtured by daily prayer, scripture study, home gospel discussions and related activities, home evenings, family councils, working and playing together, serving each other, and sharing the gospel with those around us. Spirituality is also nurtured in our actions of patience, kindness, and forgiveness toward each other and in applying gospel principles in the family circle." There are many wonderful quotes in this month's lesson, so please read page 68 of the March Ensign and pray about which message should be shared with your sisters. As you know, the month can get away quickly, so please try to schedule your visiting early in the month. You all make a wonderful difference to all those you visit! With love,Sister Ray

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Don't Forget!

Hey Ladies don't forget this Thursday February 19th at 6:30 we will be having our knowledge night at the church!
2 out of 3 classes to choose from:
Healthy eating and Nutrition: Yvonne Torres
Sign Language: Kathy Collins
Inexpensive things to do in Southern California: Jeanne Bradley
Hope to see you all there!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Exercise Group Up and Running!

The Exercise Club is up and running. Please dress modestly as there will be a member of the Priesthood joining you. Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:00-9:00 a.m. at the Mojave Building. Contact Sister Torres for answers to your questions. Have Fun Sisters!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Welcome Little One

Congratulations to Kristen Earl who had a baby girl yesterday! We hear that baby and mom are doing great!

Once Again Change in Book Club

We have decided that it would be best if we did a book club out of books that you can get from Desert Book. By doing this we will not have to question if the book is appropriate for a church activity. So if you have signed up to host a book make sure it fits in this criteria. is a wonderful reference place for such books.

We are to keep to our standards and never waiver. A suggestion is merely that. These books should be read by someone first and approved as if the Savior was in the room.~~~Sister Chacon

Friday, January 30, 2009

Emergency Preparedness Class

We had our first emergency preparedness class this week. It was a really fun night and very informative. Thank You to Sister Hulihan for preparing such a great night. If you missed out on last nights emergency preparedness class don't worry there is another one on February 26th at 6:30. She will be talking about grains. We had a really good turn out but hope to see more people there this month!

Monday, January 26, 2009


Thanks to the Young Women's there will be child care at the emergency preparedness activity this Thursday. So if you have young kids and your hubby won't be around bring them and enjoy a night with your sisters. Hope to see you all there!

Also Sister Hulihan has a Family History blog so we have added it to our uplifting sites to check out.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

February's Visiting Teaching Message

Dear Sisters,
February's message is "Understand the Divine Roles of Women". I know sometimes we get caught up in life and don't focus on the fact that we are divine and that we have a strong purpose for the Lord. There are five quotes that focus on this message, and I'd like to share two of them because I feel that they pertain to us directly regarding visiting teaching. The first one is by Silvia H. Allred, first counselor in the Relief Society general presidency: "The Lord has blessed women with divine attributes of love, compassion, kindness, and charity. Through our monthly visits as visiting teachers, we have the power to bless each sister as we extend our arms of love and kindness and give the gifts of compassion and charity. No matter what our individual circumstances are, we all have the opportunity to edify and nurture others." What a wonderful blessing visiting teaching is to us! Not only can we give to our sisters, but we receive so many blessings by being obedient to this calling. The second one is by Elder M. Russell Ballard, "The basic doctrinal purpose for the Creation of the earth is to provide for God's spirit children the continuation of the process of exaltation and eternal life. Although there is simply not a more significant contribution you can make to society, to the Church, or to the eternal destiny of our Father's children than what you will do as a mother or father, motherhood and fatherhood are not the only measures of goodness or of one's acceptance before the Lord. Every sister in this Church who has made covenants with the Lord has a divine mandate to help save souls, to lead the women of the world, to strengthen homes of Zion, and to build the kingdom of God." In response to this quote, I want to comment that the Lord is aware that not all of us will be mothers or wives in this life, but we can all make a difference in the kingdom of God. We are told to go to the temple often. If you don't have your recommend, meet with the bishop to see how you can be ready to go to the temple. So many important and special covenants are there waiting for us each time we go. It's a wonderful blessing for us and a refuge from this world.
I leave this message with you in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Love, Sister Ray

Information about Women's Conference

The theme is... "Faith Lights the Way"There will be a Reader's Theatre in the opening few minutes. The sisters will then be able to choose from 5 speakers, two classes to attend.The speakers are:
Kim Koyle: "Faith Lights the Way"
Dr. Bruce Koyle: "During Times of Trouble" (addressing depression)
Trudy Hooper: "Speaking to the single adults"
Kathryn and Bob Tait: "Using your education"
Cleone Black: "Helping our budget adjust"
Light luncheon to follow.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Dear Sisters,
Let me take this opportunity to express our love to ALL sisters in our ward. Those sisters who faithfully serve in the Primary and the Young Women. These fine sisters who take care of our youth, we love you and hope that you feel of our love and pray that you will attend the many activities that have been planned for all of us. We enjoy the sisterhood in our ward.
Love, Sister Chacon

Visiting Teaching Message

This is the first of a new monthly section reserved regarding visiting teaching where I will be giving tips, ideas, do's and don'ts, etc. For the first month, I'd like to talk about the purpose of visiting teaching. Visiting teachers should build caring relationships with the sisters they visit. They offer support, give comfort, and extend friendship. Both the giver and receiver are blessed. Their care and concern strengthens sisters in their church activity. Also remember that because of possible dangers, visiting teachers should not go alone; always go with your companion. We know that there are many working sisters, but there are still days off during the month which should be coordinated together if at all possible. There is strength and support in numbers! I've already heard stories in just this month where one of the companions got into a house that the other wouldn't have otherwise. There's a reason you were put together with your companion. You and I may not know why, but Heavenly Father does! With love and gratitude, Sister Ray

Sunday, January 18, 2009


As you all probably know Sister Davis is our Humanitarian specialist. She just recently got back from Mexico where she delivered things for the members down there. She is going down again next month the first part of February so she is collecting things again to take with her. Anything that you don't use or need anymore contact Sister Davis. The members are in great need! They have asked for any donations of old pots, pans, spoons, forks, knives, etc that they can use to put in their kitchen at their ward building. We are so grateful for Sister Davis and helping us get involved in helping others in need. We will soon be getting ready for our big Stake Humanitarian Day in June so look forward for how you all can help with that. Thank you sisters for all the service that you do!


Congratulations go out to Nicole Perry who was baptized yesterday! We are so excited to have her in our ward!
Also this is late, but it's better to be late then never, Right?!
Congrats to Sister Michele Hill and Sister Laurel Morphis for their new arrivals.

Women's Conference

We encourage every sister to attend Women's Conference on January 31st. 10:00 a.m. at the Amethyst building. There will be a luncheon after. How lucky we are sisters for such an organization in the church that is just for us!

Mini Classes

We are so excited for a new year and new changes in the Relief Society mini classes we are still having some of our old groups going that may have changed a little or not at all. The book club is one of those. We would like to have a whole year planned out for the books so those that may want to read ahead or need more time reading a book (yes, that would be me) can see what is coming up. So please sign up for a month that you are willing to host and a book so we can get that all out to you as soon as possible.
Book Club- Will be held at Yvonne Torres' house on January 28th at 7:00 p.m. The book is "Wives and Daughters" by Gaskell. I have not heard of the book for next month yet so please let me know if anyone knows what it is.

We are really excited about our monthly Emergency Preparedness activity that our great Sister Hulihan will be doing every last Thursday. We encourage all sisters to come and get your families ready for any kind of emergency that may come your way.
Emergency Preparedness Activity- January 29th from 6:30- 8:00 p.m. At the church. We are asking that all sisters bring a 3 ring binder so that you will have your papers all in one spot and will be easily accessible when you may need them. Any questions contact Sister Hulihan.

The Recipe Club has now changed to the Cooking Club. Instead of bringing a meal or treat already cooked you will be demonstrating how to make the item. (Think of it as Silver Lakes Food Network) So once again make sure you sign up for a time to show everyone your favorite meal or treat.
Wednesday January 21st Sister Horvath will be demonstrating how to make pie crust. Meet at her house at 6:30.

We have so many more new groups coming up this year. Please be patient with us as we figure it all out and please remember to come out and support your sisters and don't hide your talents from us.
I feel like I missing something so please let me know what it is.